what we believe

Sometimes it's simpler to quickly figure out what makes a denomination different from others. 

Instead, we invite you to consider the unity we share with many other churches! 

Below, you'll find a quick statement addressing each of the "four squares" of our faith. 

For more in-depth detail of our beliefs, we've added a link at the bottom of this page where you can do a deeper dive!

  • saviour

    We believe that we aren't perfect. (Romans 3:23) 

    We believe that because we aren't perfect, there's nothing we can do (in our own strength) to be with a perfect God. 

    However, because of what Jesus did - living a perfect life, dying for our sins, and defeating death - we can live forever with God. (Romans 6:23)

    This is why we call Jesus our SAVIOUR. He has saved us from the consequences of our failures and has made a way for us to be with the Father forever.

  • healer

    We believe that God has the power to make all things right. 

    We believe that He has the supernatural ability to heal us physically. (Isaiah 53:3+1 Peter 2:24) 

    We believe that He has the power to break cycles in our lives, heal our hurts, our addictions, our apathy. 

    We believe that when He showed us that not even death could hold Him back, he showed that He truly is LORD OVER ALL.

  • baptizer

    We believe that God's Work didn't end with Jesus' time on earth. Jesus modelled what it meant to be baptized (Matthew 3:13) in water. Before He left earth, He told us that God was going to send His Holy Spirit. 

    We believe that God wants to give us the power to carry out all that He has planned for us! He does this through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2) 

    We believe that God isn't done His work here on earth and that He wants to equip us to work with Him!

  • king

    We believe that Jesus will return as the King of Everything. 

    (1 Corinthians 15:51–54) 

    As such, we believe that we should live in a constant state of readiness - being about "Kingdom business!"  (Zechariah 14:4)

Understanding foursquare

One way you can quickly know more about who we are is to know what we believe. We are a part of the Foursquare Church of Canada. This short video is a good introduction into what "Foursquare" means.  If you'd like more information about Foursquare Canada or Foursquare International, you can simply click on those links! 

Another quick-and-ready resource is to visit the This We Believe statements of Foursquare.