Women's Book Study

We welcome all women to come and study John Mark Comer's study: Practicing the Way. Starting January 7th we will be meeting Tuesday mornings in the church office from 9:15-10:30am to work through this study on the ways of Jesus.

The Practicing the Way Course features eight sessions of teaching, guided conversation, and spiritual exercises designed to lay a foundation for lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus. 

Please email Caralee Buzza if you have any questions (prayer@nrchurch.ca). We would love to have you there!

Men's bible study

The Men's Study will start Wednesday, January 8th at 7PM. We'll be doing a study on Jonah by David Platt. It's 6 sessions, ending Feb.12.

In this six-session series, pastor David Platt shows us that God is determined to spread his Word to all the nations of the earth and use his people to do it. The book of Jonah shows us that God desires to transform the hearts of his followers, making them more like him as they carry out his purposes in the world. Join David and get a renewed sense of what it means to orient your life around the mission of God.

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Drop in Bible study

Thursday's 7PM | NR Church

Not quite available to commit to an on-going study? We've got you covered! Join us on Thursday nights, for a no-prep, drop in Bible Study. 

Each week, join with a variety of people to read through and discuss a Bible passage.