The marriage course

The Marriage Course runs over seven sessions, and each session begins with sharing dessert as a couple, followed by a fun, insightful video covering topics that are relevant for every couple like Good Sex or Resolving Conflict. In short? Your marriage. But better.

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The Marriage course: English

The English Marriage Course will begin Thursday, October 3rd at 7PM throughout the months of October and November (breaking for October 31st).

Dessert and coffee are included, however there is no childcare offered at this time.

Registration is required, see below.

The marriage course: Spanish

El Curso de Español para Matrimonios comenzará el jueves 3 de octubre a las 7 p.m. durante los meses de octubre y noviembre (interrupción para el 31 de octubre).

El postre y el café están incluidos, sin embargo, no se ofrece cuidado de niños en este momento.

Es necesario registrarse, ver más abajo.

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